Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Just In Case

Our place was built in either the late '60's or the mid 70's and it was purely a seasonal camp. No one stayed here longer than hunting season or a summer trip, so the lack of indoor plumbing wasn't a huge inconvenience. This is the original bathroom, and we don't quite know what to do with it. I won't even open the door to see the condition of the privy, or see how big the spiders are that live in the hole...

what do you think we should do with it?


  1. You clearly need to look inside of it. Perhaps it could be a lovely little study for you.

  2. Maybe if you put it on Craigslist, someone would come get it...?

    Bury it? Like, throw a 20' mound of dirt on top of it?

  3. Matt, great idea! After the redecoration I'll mail you all the spiders, being sure to include male and female spiders, and send it slow post.

    Botch, that might actually work.

  4. Use it to for child rearing. "If you keep up with this behavior young lady you're going into the potty shed!" Then tell her tales of what lives in the hole. She'll never be bad again.

  5. Fill in hole. Cover seat. Instant garden shed.
