Saturday, March 20, 2010

First Day of Spring

Everything moved so quickly today that i couldn't snap a good picture. Here is a pic of Miss Critterpants doing what she does best, running.

Miss Critterpants and i went to the farmer's market for the beginning of MAPLE WEEK. it is the celebration of all things maple and good, culminating next weekend in MAINE MAPLE SUNDAY. All the local sugar shacks are open to the public for tastings and sales and general deliciousness made with real maple syrup.

the Farmer's Market celebrated this wonderful holiday with maple sugar cotton candy and maple sugared popcorn. Miss Critterpants ate her weight in maple popcorn.

Then off to the Library to meet AuntieE, UncleA and D-Bit and BabyR where there was an ice cream social with maple toppings and fresh jam. There was a maple syrup and candy making demo, but the girls were about to tear the place apart from all the sugar pumping through their veins. We beat a quick retreat to the nearest playground where they ran and ran and ran. i am exhausted.

Friday, March 19, 2010


Spring has come early to Western Maine this year. Today i raked the yard, dug another flowerbed, started seeds, moved a massive rock and spent a good chunk of time in the newly hung hammock and lying on the deck looking up at the sky.

Thursday, March 18, 2010

My Parent's House

Out of fear of my Mother's Wrath, i have not posted a picture of her, because i know that i would choose the wrong one. I love you Mom!

Wednesday, March 17, 2010


We have seeds! thousands and thousands of seeds! there are about 5 on backorder, but as long as i get my celeriac and broccoli seedlings started tomorrow, i will remain calm.

i dug my first flower bed this afternoon. once it gets past the frost date (may 7th, according to The Almanac) i will plant Elka White Oilseed Poppies and Ziar Breadseed Poppies. they are the delicious edible kind, plus i love the funky seed pods in the fall. i always think they look like alien eggs and look vaguely sinister in dried floral arrangements.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

I love Portland, Westside

When i left Maine, it was the middle of February and still in the darkest heart of winter. Landing in Oregon was like stepping onto a different planet. it was spring in Portland with blossoms and sunshine and soft air. i visited friends who abandoned NYC for the wiles of the west coast and after walking (and eating) all over Portland, i don't blame them. people are friendly, the culture is quirky, and there are wonderful wonderful bookstores. as i packed to go after what seemed to be a too-short vistit, i plotted how i could talk my family and loved ones to move west. it was perfect and i miss my friends, but i am glad they have found such a great place to call home.

Monday, March 15, 2010

jiggity jig

I am finally back from a month-long tour of Portland Oregon, NYC and Eastern Pennsylvannia. Too tired to say much other than my seeds came while i was gone! More soon, sleep now