Saturday, September 4, 2010


Even though I am having difficulty keeping my cherries and apples alive and disease free, I am having wild imaginings of a greenhouse in which to keep a collection of rare and unusual citrus trees.

The trees that i have found are hardy (for brief periods) down to 10 degrees

Chinnotto Orange: an Italian orange tree, important in its country of origin for candy, marmalade and soda. Bitter orange. Self-fertile

Juanita Tangerine: named after the South Carolina woman who planted a grocery store pip and grew a tree that withstood 10 degree temperatures when ever other citrus around it died died died. It is tender and sweet and excellent eating quality.

Yuzu Lemon: a traditional Japanese citrus tree/shrub that is rare in the US. It has a complex grapefruit/lime/mandarin flavor and the zest is used in Japanese cooking and apparently the juice makes a really good cocktail. On the winter solstice in Japan, it it traditional to float the fruit in a hot bath to ensure health during the cold months (or so i have read on the internets). The fruit stores well in a cool dry place.

Bloomsweet Grapefruit: hardy to 10 degrees. A 15 foot tall tree that bears prolifically. Large and delicious fruit