Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Black Flies

Black Flies are evil. That is all. Thank you.

Monday, May 3, 2010

In the dirt

I am currently unable to download pictures, so we must make do with words.

Spring has sprung and we have been outside as much as possible.

This past Friday was the Fedco Tree sale and I had ordered three things:

Chesnut Apple: apples the size of golfballs but sweet and delicious

Ashmead's Kernel: a multi-purpose apple for eating, keeping, and especially nice single varital hard cider. the apple are tart and complex in flavor but mellow in storage to be extra delicous in December. Disease resistant

Bluebell Grape: easy to grow and great for jelly and juice (i love love love grape juice)

We got to the sale and the Ashmead apple and the grape were both out of stock, so I had to go with my second choices for both. Esopus Spitzenburg apple, which is a delicious apple that Thomas Jefferson loved! it is also a good keeper and useful for hard cider, but is less hardy.

Valiant grape replaced the Bluebell. it is a purple grape good for juice and jelly, but can be suceptable to powdery mildew and black rot. However, the leaves can be used for dolmas, which is a big bonus in my mind.

Along with the fruit trees, I bought three pounds of Picasso shallots. They're pink tinged and mild. Fresh in salads or cooked into anything, or in our house, almost everything.

Fedco has a really interesting selection of books and it's always tempting to buy all of them, but I managed to show restraint and get only "The Backyard Orchardist" by Stella Otto.

Now off to the out-of-doors to plant the grape and feed the black flies!