Saturday, April 10, 2010

Snow in April

It isn't sticking, but it is falling in tiny, hard balls of cold. Since Miss CP and i are still under the weather, our out-of-doors time is limited today.
Allow me to introduce one of our trees that shrugs off cold weather all the way down to -40 degrees! This is a Garfield Plantation sour cherry tree. It was traditionally grown on farmsteads in Aroostook County, Maine, the part of the state that abuts Quebec. If left to its own devices, the Garfield Plantation Cherry will sucker into a large shrub but it can be kept as a tree with determined pruning.

I have visions of sour cherry preserves and sour cherry pies and cherry pit necklaces for the Miss.

Friday, April 9, 2010


I have planted seeds of creeping thyme between the flagstones of our front walk. supposedly it can handle being stomped on, and it will gently fragrance your approach to our front door! the trick is, it grows in alkaline soil and our is so acid it almost burns. Pine trees prefer to grow in acidic soil and their needles decompose into a lovely low ph compost. so it takes acid soil for them to grow and they like to keep it that way.

i sweetened the dirt with ash from our wood stove. not only does it raise the ph but it also adds yummy things like potassium, phosphorus, magnesium, calcium and delicious delicious sulpher. add a generous dollop of compost and it's great soil for creeping thyme! i hope. cross your fingers for a creepy walkway!

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

So Honey, what did you do with your day?

Miss Critterpants and i dragged our sick selves (yes, still sick, eternally sick) to a friend's house In Town to collect on her very generous offer of plant divisions. Wild Ginger, whose roots taste kind of like the ginger you get in the store. Lady's Mantle, which has all sorts of good properties, mostly to stymie bleeding and things to do with mysterious Women's Ailments, and anti-wrinkle tonic. And Alpine Strawberries. they are short on fruit, but long on pretty pink flowers. All of these lovely plants are going into THE SHADE GARDEN. the garden that i will putter around with in all my spare time.

when we got back from Town, My Guy had taken a tree down. The Big Tree. After the local school bus had pulled his hot rod truck from the muddy ditch (that is another story), he showed off his morning's work. He totally wins the big project of the day.


Even though we were still all ill, we made a good showing.