Saturday, January 23, 2010


This is the back Northwest corner of the garden plot. it used to be an overcrowded white cedar stand that My Guy cleared this past summer. It is approximately 50 by 50' and the soil in it is less than ideal for gardening. We're going to use raised beds made from the cedar cleared from the land. My Guy is in charge of the carpentry and running the chainsaw mill. i have used power tools in the past with out losing limbs, but chainsaws are scary and the mill setup terrifies me.

ship ahoy!

We have a several very tall white pines on our property. this is one of a group of three in our dooryard (that's Maine for front yard. get it?) In addition to being the state tree, white pines were used to make masts for sailing ships.

15 below

it was fifteen below zero last night, which is the very bottom of the thermometer that one of my cherry trees can take. hopefully it wasn't enough to do her in. We are right on the cusp of zone 4 and zone 5, technically zone 5A. that means the lowest of the low is negative fifteen, so last night we hit rock bottom.

almost too pretty to burn

we have had temperatures below negative ten the last few nights. the wood stove keeps us comfortable, and occasionally reminds me of what is under the snow.